AMP Test

Model name: qDetect AMP Test
qDetect AMP Test is a one step in vitro diagnostic test based on immunochromatographic assay. It is designed for qualitative determination of Amphetamines in human urine specimen.
· Simple one-step AMP rapid test
· Sample Type: urine
· Excellent performance
– Sensitivity : 1000, 500, 300ng/ml
– Duration in body : 24-48 hours
· Time to result: 4 – 7 min.
· Storage: room temperature (15 – 30℃)
· Shelf-life: 24 months
What is Amphetamine ?
Amphetamine is commonly known as speed. It is a stimulant that works in the same way that adrenaline and noradrenaline, two hormones that are responsible for the “fight or flight” response, function. Amphetamine can be found in the urine for up to 2 to 4 days. In chronic or long-term users, it may stay in the urine for up to a week. Amphetamine is typically used to give someone energy. One type of amphetamine is Adderall, which is prescribed to treat the symptoms of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder, or ADHD. Phenteramine is also a type of amphetamine and is frequently used for weight loss.
Amphetamine produces a euphoric high. It causes users to feel very alert and have an increased amount of energy. It can reduce appetite, which is why it is often used as a diet aid. In some users, however, it can produce feelings of paranoia and anger, which can make someone act violently.
User Instructions

Result Interpretation

Order Information

Product name | Cat No. | Units | Kit type | Sample type | Sensitivity | Shelf-life | Catalogue |
AMP Urine | Q06-01a-11 | 100tests/box | Strip | Urine | 1000ng/ml | 24months | Download |
AMP Urine | Q06-01a-12 | 40tests/box | Cassette | Urine | 1000ng/ml | 24months | Download |
AMP Urine | Q06-01b-11 | 100tests/box | Strip | Urine | 500ng/ml | 24months | Download |
AMP Urine | Q06-01b-12 | 40tests/box | Cassette | Urine | 500ng/ml | 24months | Download |
AMP Urine | Q06-01c-11 | 100tests/box | Strip | Urine | 300ng/ml | 24months | Download |
AMP Urine | Q06-01c-12 | 40tests/box | Cassette | Urine | 300ng/ml | 24months | Download |