Model name: qDetect METH Test
qDetect METH Test is a one step in vitro diagnostic test based on immunochromatographic assay. It is designed for qualitative determination of Methmmphetamines in human urine specimen.
· Simple one-step METH rapid test
· Sample Type: Urine
· Excellent performance
– Sensitivity : 1000, 500, 300ng/ml
– Duration in body : 24-48 hours
· Time to result: 4 – 7 min.
· Storage: room temperature (15 – 30℃)
· Shelf-life: 24 months
What is Methamphetamine?
Methamphetamine, or meth, is a stimulant drug that is highly addictive. It is related to amphetamines, but the high is longer lasting and stronger. The exact chemical formula may vary from batch to batch, as they are made with different precursor chemicals. Methamphetamine can be detected in the urine for up to 5 days after use. Meth can be consumed in a variety of ways; it can be swallowed, snorted, injected or smoked.
There are limited reasons why methamphetamines is prescribed. Currently, there is one drug that has been approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA), and it is used to treat obesity or attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
Meth produces an intense and euphoric high. It causes increased wakefulness and physical activity. It can raise blood pressure, heart rate, body temperature and respiratory rate. Meth is very addicting. Chronic use can eventually lead to paranoia, violence, anxiety, confusion and psychosis. It can sometimes cause hallucinations and delusions.
User Instructions

Result Interpretation

Order Information

Product name | Cat No. | Units | Kit type | Sample type | Sensitivity | Shelf-life | Catalogue |
METH | Q06-07a-11 | 100tests/box | Strip | Urine | 1000ng/ml | 24months | Download |
METH | Q06-07a-12 | 40tests/box | Cassette | Urine | 1000ng/ml | 24months | Download |
METH | Q06-07b-11 | 100tests/box | Strip | Urine | 500ng/ml | 24months | Download |
METH | Q06-07b-12 | 40tests/box | Cassette | Urine | 500ng/ml | 24months | Download |
METH | Q06-07c-11 | 100tests/box | Strip | Urine | 300ng/ml | 24months | Download |
METH | Q06-07c-12 | 40tests/box | Cassette | Urine | 300ng/ml | 24months | Download |