H. Pylori Antigen Test

Model name: qDetect H. pylori Antigen Test

The qDetect H. Pylori Ag Rapid Test is a lateral ow chromatographic immunoassay for the qualitative detection of H. Pylori antigen in human fecal/Seram/Plasma specimen.

· Specimen: human Fecal/Stool/Serum/Plasma
· Storage: 2 – 30℃
· Shelf-life: 24 months
· Test time: 15 min

What is H. pylori Antigen?

H. pylori infection is currently detected by invasive testing methods(ie histology, culture) based on endoscopy and biopsy, or non-invasive testing method, such as urea breath test, serologi antibody test and stool antigen test. UBT tests and Serologic antibody tests do not distinguish between currently active infection with a past exposure or an infection that has been cured. The stool antigen test detects antigen presence in the feces, that indicates active H. pylori infection. It can be also used to monitor the eectiveness of treatment and the recurrence of the infection.

The qDetect H. Pylori Ag Rapid Test uses a combination of the polyclonal anti H. pylori antibody and collid gold conjugated monoclonal anti-H. Pylori antibody to specically detect H. pylori antigen present in the infected patient fecal specimen.

User Instructions

Result Interpretation

Order Information

Product name Cat No. Units Kit type Sample type Sensitivity Shelf-life Catalogue
HP Ag Q02-05a-62 25tests/box Cassette Fecal/Serum/Plasma 24months Download